DOOMCAVE INDUSTRIES - A slightly Distressed Trusew, skirt
Waist adjustable (36cm -39cm)
Length (35cm)
Fold n’ wrap Miniskirt,
free-motion machine,automatic writing, embroidery onto dye soup hand-stitched monogrammed linen pillowcases. (Source: Ostia, IT)
Encrusted, crustation bruixes brooches, can be moved freely by the user to make it all entirely adjustable, shape shifting, body expanding and contracting into a new freehand form.
[Source: We found them all over the shop and let them hang in the bottoms of our pockets, the cup holder of our cars, forgotten Beach bags etc. etc. collecting our collections to give onto whom¿ … crusted mussel shells (Cancale, FR) pearlescent snailshell (Duck Pool Bay, UK)
orange clay n quartz (memory blank, unknown location) chandelier crystal (vide grenier, FR) bound with silver wire, brooch backs, safety pins & gorilla glue.]
Once, we had the time to be taught how to do things properly¿
Now we teach it to ourselves if we have the time to learn.
Remove bruixes & brooches before washing.
Machine washable @ 30 degrees. Dependant on the speed of Ur distress raw edges will continue to fray, hand wash 4 a slower evolution.